Event Levels Explained


THE Educational LEVELS


101 Level is perfect for the stock vehicle or novice/beginner driver. No upgrades and no experience is needed. Come and learn how to take the step to enjoy your Jeep on the trail safely.

102 is perfect for the beginner or novice driver who is looking to build their skills and confidence on the trail and drive their Jeep off-road. No driver experience is needed or minimal. This is perfect for the lifted or Jeep with some modifications but you are just starting your off-road journey.


200 is perfect for the beginner or novice driver who is looking to build their skills and confidence on the trail and drive their Jeep off-road. Some trail experience and ready to have a little more challenge at the easier trail levels to build confidence. Stock Jeeps are welcome.


This level is perfect for the driver with some off-road experience and seat time on the trail, or who is moving up into the 201 level for the first time.

We recommend that you have completed the Ladyjeepers.com 101/102 level to have the foundation education. No “street tires” at this level. Recommend a MT tire at this level.

THE Invitational LEVELS

To Qualify For the Invitational Level

You must have attended a Ladyjeepers.com Event previously at the 201 or higher level. 

Must have attended a Ladyjeepers.com Extravaganza Educational Event in the past.

Minimum of 35″ tires required for all Invitational Levels.


This level is perfect for the driver with off-road experience and seat time on the trail, and moving up to gain more skills at the 201 level.

We recommend that you have completed the Ladyjeepers.com 201 level previously to have the foundation education. This is to continue growing at the next step in the 201 Level.

Tune Your Skills 202 & 202+

202 Level is perfect for the driver with experience and seat time through the 201+ level. Ready to move up to more difficult trails and terrain safely. Body damage can happen.

202+ Level is for the driver with a modified Jeep (must have lockers) who wants to push themselves and their Jeep on harder trails and terrain. Body damage is possible.

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